The Disappearing Spoon Chapter 19

Chapter 19: Above( and Beyond) the Periodic Table
In the last chapter, Kean starts off by talking about francium. He explains how francium is really rare to find and how there has been only ten thousands atoms every collected. He then elaborates that astatine is way more rare than francium. If francium is beyond difficult to find, now imagine looking for astatine. The author mentions how even if you could find astatine, its radiation will kill you.

Furthermore, Kean continues by telling is that uranium is, in fact, more stable and heavier than are astatine and francium. The author tells us that element 116 and 112 are calmer when element 114 is around. They call this the “island of stability”. He then moves on to talking about the periodic table in the future. It is believed by many people that the periodic table will stop at element 137 because according to Einstein anything beyond element 137 should be physically impossible.

I really enjoyed this chapter and not just because it’s the last chapter. I wasn't aware that astatine and francium were really rare. I also had no idea that astatine can kill you from radiation exposure if you ever found it. I liked how Kean ended by talking about the future of the periodic table. Overall, this book was great and very informational.


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