The Disappearing Spoon Chapter 8

Chapter 8: From Physics to Biology
In chapter 8, Kean starts off by talking about how the Time magazine gave the title “Men of the Year” to 15 scientists in 1960. He then focuses on talking about two scientists, Emilio Segré and Linus Pauling. Emilio Segré and Linus Pauling were both able to codiscover element 87 named francium. Even though they both became legends in their fields, they will forever be known for committing two of the biggest mistakes in science. They could have avoided these mistakes if they would have been careful when studying the periodic table.

Kean mentions how element 43 had been “discovered” by many scientists throughout the years. In 1937, Emilio Segré and Perrier were able to officially discover element 43 and decided it to name it technetium. Emilio Segre made the mistake of assuming that there wasn't transuranic elemental properties about the element 93. The author then shifts into talking about Linus Pauling. Pauling figured out how the quantum mechanics established the nature of bonds and elements. He makes a huge mistake of observing a dead DNA, for from that he established that DNA was in a triple helix shape. Unfortunately, this mistake caused him to come into the wrong conclusion about the DNA structure. James Watson and Francis Crick were soon able to correct his mistake by studying the DNA and coming to the conclusion that the DNA was in a double helix shape.

I really enjoyed reading the chapter because I found it intriguing how many scientists worked on finding elements and how the naming is extremely important to them. It was also very interesting to know that scientists have to be very careful when studying something because they can make mistakes that can have a huge impact on their findings. Like, for example, Pauling who came to the wrong conclusion that the DNA was in a triple helix shape and all because he wasn't careful when obtaining the DNA. I also learned how some mistakes can turn out to sow great benefits like new inventions such as penicillin. It was funny to know that element 43 has been discovered for the “first time” a bunch of times by different scientists.


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